Management Systems

Health & Safety

GM Utilities reputation for quality and excellent service is well documented, we operate a accredited HSQE system. The safety of employees and specialist sub-contract services we employ during a project is extremely important to us. Our safety policy engages and empowers all operational personnel inside and outside of our organisation to understand and own their actions.

GM personnel are trained to recognise risk, mitigate it and maintain a high standard of quality and professionalism whilst undertaking construction activities. Staff and sub-contract operatives must achieve CSCS, CPCS level as a minimum requirement.

Download Health and Safety Policy PDF

Quality Management

GM Utilities operates and quality management system that is benchmarked and aspires to ISO 9001 quality system. Our quality system is externally audited to maintain current industry standards.

Download Quality Policy PDF

Environmental Management

Our environmental management system is benchmarked and aspires to ISO14001 environmental standards. GM Utilities recognises that external support may be required to supplement our system when undertaking a specific project, this may require input or advice from a environmental specialist.

Download Environmental Policy PDF

Insurance Cover

GM Utilities has full insurance cover for operational employs and the general public alike, we provide £10m employee and £5m public liability cover. All GM Utilities owned and external hired in plant is covered by specialist insurance cover, for theft and malicious damage whilst on-site. Professional indemnity cover can be obtained should there be a requirement for construction design on projects we may undertake.

Copies of insurance polices can be provided upon request.